Tracy Proietti » Ms. Proietti's 4th Grade

Ms. Proietti's 4th Grade

  • Please remember to check our new Google Classroom for today's assignments
  • PE is Friday at 10:45 AM
  • Music is Thursday from 10:50 - 11:20 AM
  • Both PE and Music classes are mandatory! 
5/24 - 5/28
This week in ELA we will be finishing Unit 8 in Benchmark.  We will be focusing on finding key details, summarizing, cause-and-effect text structure, comparing texts, and informative writing. Students will take the End of Unit Assessment for Unit 8 on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. 
This week in Math we will be continuing with Module 7, converting measurements in customary units, multiplication, and solving word problems using conversions.
In Social Studies we will focus on California's government.
In Science we will review concepts about the human machine that we learned at the beginning of the year.