
1. Art
Description of Activities: Students will use a variety of mediums to create original pieces
of art. Mediums can include pencil, oil pastels, paint, etc.

2. Entrepreneurship
Description of Activities: Entrepreneurship is the elective where you’ll learn what it really
means to be an entrepreneur by creating, running, and closing down your own
business. This hands-on approach to learning–guided by an experienced teacher and
real entrepreneur–introduces students to business fundamentals such as finance,
marketing, and accounting. You will learn about entrepreneurship and corporate social
responsibility. At the same time, you will develop leadership and teamwork skills that will
serve you well in life.

3. Medical Detectives (PLTW) - (trimester 2 only)
Description of Activities: Students develop the conceptual and instructional
understanding you'll need to to solve medical mysteries and learn how the systems of
the human body work together to maintain health. This course is for students who are
not part of our HOSA team but have an interest in the medical field. This course is an
introduction to the PLTW Biomedical Science Pathway at the high school.

4. Math in Art
Description of Activities: Students in this course will have fun creating many different
projects while simultaneously learning valuable aspects of creativity and art. The course
curriculum will focus on the basic elements of design including; line, value, space,
shape, and texture. Theory will be introduced to further elaborate upon ideas about
color, perspective, and design. Students will also explore artists, artwork, and develop in
the four strands of art education: art appreciation, art history, art production, and art
criticism. The students in this class will explore different art mediums, progress their
artistic ability, and develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

5. Speech and Debate
Description of Activities: Students will learn to communicate clearly and effectively in
front of an audience. Students will learn active listening skills. Students will learn how to
research and write a speech. Students will participate in academic debates using the
skills they have learned.

6.App Creators (PLTW)
Description of Activities: Students will learn to recognize computer science as a means
to computationally analyze and develop solutions to authentic problems through mobile
app development. This course is an introduction to the PLTW Computer Science
Pathway at the high school.

7. Design and Modeling (PLTW)
Description of Activities: In this unit, you will learn the value of an engineering notebook
to document and capture your ideas. You will be introduced to and use the design
process to solve problems and understand the influence that creative and innovative
design has on our lives. Students will learn thumbnail, perspective, isometric, and
multi-view sketching as methods for communicating design ideas effectively without the
use of technology, learn conversions between two measurement systems and apply
measurement skills while dimensioning sketches, and conduct a mechanical dissection
to better understand how objects and parts interact. You will use industry standard 3D
modeling software to create a virtual image of their designs and produce a portfolio to
showcase their creative solutions. This course is an introduction to the PLTW
Engineering Pathway at the high school.

8. Automation and Robotics (PLTW)
Description of Activities: Students will explore mechanical systems, energy transfer,
machine automation, and computer control systems through hands-on activities. This
course is an introduction to the PLTW Computer Science Pathway at the high school.
9. Health and Wellness
Description of Activities: Students will learn how to care for their whole body, both
physically and mentally. Topics will include nutrition, exercise, how stress affects the
body, and healthy ways to cope with stress.

10. Sports Conditioning
Description of Activities: Students will participate in activities to prepare their bodies for
different sports. Each trimester will focus on a particular sport, (ie volleyball, basketball,
and soccer).

11. Newspaper
Description of Activities: Do you like WRITING, investigating, researching, exploring,
and reporting? Well, in this class you will be doing all of those things. This class is
designed to create awareness and keep updated with current events to the Peter
Hansen Elementary Student population. Bi-Weekly news articles will be completed and
posted on an online Newspaper database from all students.

12. Creative Expression (Drama)
Description of Activities: Immerse yourself in the exciting world of theater. In this drama
class, students will participate in a variety of activities including improvisation, character
development, scene study, and scriptwriting. Through engaging exercises and
performances, students will build confidence, enhance their communication skills, and
explore their creativity. The class will also involve collaborative projects and live
performances, allowing students to experience all aspects of theater production. Join us
to discover your dramatic potential and bring stories to life on stage.

13. Band - (year long commitment)
Description of Activities: Advanced Band is a class designed for 6th-8th grade students
with at least one year prior experience with a band instrument. If you have less than
one-years’ experience, you may still participate if you are willing to work hard and put in
the extra time to catch up. Please speak with me after class. This class is a year-long
commitment that will include not only the opportunity to play as a group in class, but
also to perform for your family and friends in after-school concerts.

14. Choir - (year long commitment)
Advanced Choir is a class designed for 6th-8th grade students who have some previous
singing experience. However, students with no previous experience but possessing a
desire to sing and a willingness to commit to the ensemble are certainly welcome! This
class is a year long commitment that will include the opportunity to sing as a group in
class and to perform for your family and friends in after-school concerts.

15. Strings- (year long commitment)
Strings is a class designed for 6th-8th grade students who have some previous string
experience. However, students with no previous experience but possessing a desire to
learn a new instrument and a willingness to commit to the ensemble are certainly
welcome! This class is a year long commitment that will include the opportunity to Play
as a group in class and to perform for your family and friends in after-school concerts.