Kristina Padilla » Mrs. Padilla 5th Grade

Mrs. Padilla 5th Grade

Suggested Supply List

2 boxes of pencils (24 count Ticonderoga)

3 dry erase markers (thin)

1 dry erase eraser

1 box of crayons, colored pencils, OR markers

1 handheld pencil sharpener with waste container

3 glue sticks

2 boxes of tissues

2 packages of disinfecting wipes

1” binder with clear cover

2 plastic folders

3 composition books

1 pair of scissors

1 ruler

1 pair of headphones (does not need to be new)

1 soft pencil pouch (we do not want pencil boxes due to storage concerns)

1 box of Band-Aids

Google Classroom
ST Math
At least 90 minutes and 60 puzzles per week
Benchmark Universe
Books are available to read on epic! Our class code is mng1278
Mr. Peck's Page
Mr. Mehra's Page
Learning Commons Resources
Learning Commons Resources
Mr. Andrade